Religious Neurodivergence

For those who spent their childhood being raised in a toxic religious environment, the shift must jackhammer through the more concrete messages within the foundation of our identity formed during childhood development. Messages of fear, hierarchical worth, and arrest of autonomy deliver an otherwise healthy individual to adulthood with a mix of diagnoses contributing to a lack of agency- otherwise known as failure to thrive. 

Holy Ground: Conflict, Struggle, and Identity

There is a branch in psychology that approaches dysfunction and psychosis through a lens that identifies various subpersonalities of individuals as “parts.” To those not familiar with this perspective, it may resemble Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Think DID, but instead of those subpersonalities in a state of disassociation, they regularly associate, like family; all working... Continue Reading →

Should, Ought, and Other Profanities

I had forgotten just how much I enjoy writing. During the gap between my last article and the previous entries written a year prior,  I see just how much of a trajectory shift my own life has taken during that twelve-month sabbatical. Not all the feedback I received from my comeback article was positive- c'est... Continue Reading →

Organized Religion Stole My Virginity

or -The price of whoring your conscience (choose your offense- I did) So, it’s been a hot minute since my last entry. There are many reasons for this- some of which I’ll share, some of which I likely never will in a public format.  To say that I have been undergoing a total makeover would... Continue Reading →

Chasing Rainbows

I've just celebrated another loop around the sun, and in reflecting the ever-growing trail of my life trajectory, I am keenly aware of how "true adulting" is succumbing to an awareness that the luster of most any given goal or milestone becomes lackluster once the pursuit comes to an end. Sure, we celebrate and even... Continue Reading →

Shame Begets Shame

As one experienced on both sides of this toxic mentality trap, I want to communicate that we are free to escape that bondage. We don’t need the acceptance of a cult to justify who we are and our places in the grand scheme of things. My most authentic self is determined within a relationship between me and my maker alone. 

Overcoming Brain Stem Theology

I remember the first time my husband and I attended a Christian church that did not identify as fundamentalist or evangelical. It was a day that offered me a jolt that conjured an awareness in me that I did not realize was dormant.  Attempting to join a seemingly casual Sunday morning theological discussion, I submitted... Continue Reading →

Probing Cancel Culture

Cancel Culture, a practice older than the term it carries, describes actions that people take to hold others accountable. At least, this is the most agreed upon term by individuals who are most politically polarized according to a survey by Pew Research Center.  I was first introduced to the idea of Cancel Culture when the... Continue Reading →

The Custodian

-The following article includes a variety of stories, all true. Names and various details have been changed or merged with other true stories in an attempt to protect identities and to prevent inflicting any further trauma to those whom these stories belong. The Custodian written by, Stephanie Wilson On a typical Saturday morning, the church... Continue Reading →

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